Solange Knowles has been mixing it up in the studio to give her fans something divine to look forward to! And I for one am soooo excited! This new track entitled ‘Favors’ is sure to be a hit. Listen and I hope you guys are feeling it.. but don’t do me any “Favors” :-x lol
So I was doing some research for my company about fashion in Africa and I came across a gold mine! I simply couldn’t believe my eyes as I was flipping through the fashion-gasmic pictures on the screen. Style writer Helen Jennings shows us the unbelievable street style that’s in South Africa today, all in her new book "New African Fashion."
Issue/Question: "why is it that when you're with a guy for a long time all of a sudden he just wants to be friends? what makes guys switch for more than friends to buddies?'
Answered by: PrettyBeau
The phrase its NOT you its me is bound to come up with this convo! And maybe that's simply all it is or maybe not. What's important is that you understand what he's trying to tell you. In a nut shell "he's just not into you anymore." Sounds harsh? well it is but know your WORTH!! If a guy is switching lanes on you don't chase after him in a horse powered engine miss, back up and give him space. You'll find another guy that wants to be more then just buddies in no time...remember its no rush just take your time.
Street scream!!!!
Name: Innocent HomeRecker
Location: BX
Issue/Question: There's a boy I've known all my life and we are really good friends. But lately I have been feeling different about us. I find myself looking at him as more then a friend and I think I may be in love. The problem is that he has a girlfriend :-/.. I really don't think she's right for him anyway. When I'm around him lately Ive been showing him that I feel different about us, and I almost kissed him once. Should I continue my pushy ways? Or leave him to his girlfriend? Answered by: Pretty Beau
This seems like an easy answer but in reality its nOT. Everyone is going to tell you to Stop being a home wrecker and leave that boy alone. But I think its more complex then that. If you knew this boy all your life then you should have a clue into what his true feelings are. I say be direct and ask him (if its that important to you) if he's your true friend he'll tell you the truth. NOW!, if you're not ready for a response like "girl your crazy we are just friends" then keep your self silent, that just might be the end of a great friendship... even though things will never truly be the same since you know your true feeling for him, even if he's in the dark about them.
Pretty Beau.
Train scream!!!!
Name: Confidence Killer
Location: BK -alll day Issue/Question: I have a friend that is REALLy full of her self and is always talking about all the things she has and how she looks. Is there anyway I can humble her a little? I really love her as a friend but she has people thinking that I'm self-centered as well ( GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION)!. Answered by:Pretty Beau
Confidence is great but cockiness is NOT! Since you still want to be around this chick you need to tell her how you feel (and everyone else around her for that matter smh). You should tell her sincerely from your heart what's up. Your girl should understand and be willing to look into it. You never really should want to change someone but sometimes its OK to help people improve for the better.
Pretty Beau...
Respond to her "screams"!
Want to comment on a "Scream"(twitter scream, street scream, and train scream)? Email your comment to and I'll post it!
Please include your name, location, and your Dear,pynkberri text. Also include a pic of you (not a direct pic of your face). Examples: side of face, ears, shoes, arms, legs, eyes, hands...
PrettyBeau's Original Quotes
"Happiness is a state of mind make your own if there is no one there to share the happiness with you be happy alone, it's great being happy with someone dear but if that person disappears don't be too greedy to share that happiness with the person that is always there YOU!"
"A man is never going to respect a women who doesn't respect herself. If you don't stand for something you'll fall for everything!"
"Time is dear so use it wisely if you know that time is being misused or wasted don't continue on that path because you cannot get it back."
"When the time comes where you feel like you're all cried out and your empty with nuthing left RELAX the worst is over yet instead of focusing on the hard times that pasted consider all the wonderful things that are about to come your way."
"Don't ever be Scared of losing someone if that's what's meant to happen it will happen regardless, god always has a plan and it's greater than yours stay still and let his plan begin."
PynKberri Shout Outz!!!!
Shout OUT to that BUM on Vince beach that helped me make this pic possible! Lol
Shout out to my boo's nugget awww
at Kelis Concert! HighSnobette blog got us!
shout out to the seatless chair on 1st in LES. PrettyBetty was tired LMAO!
Want to give a Shout Out!! Email your shout out to and I’ll post it (pics can be included)!
Pynk Nailz
Lets see your PRETTY NAILZ!! Email us your dopiest nails to!
PynkBerri Love
PYNKbeRRi started in a brownstone in Brooklyn NY and now is a national women’s empowerment and community service driven group! We want to make our world better one by one, word by word, hand by hand, and xx chromosome by xx chromosome.
P.-pretty Y.-young N.-notable K.-knowledge.That’s what Pynk in Pynkberri stands for. So stand UP all my Pretty Berries and remember our motto: "If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything!"
What's your long term goal? :To open up an Adolescence Center for girls!
Why do you love being a Pynkberri ? :Because we are some classy sassy women who love each other!
How would you describe your style (3 words max)? : Boho Glam
Who's your girl crush? :BEYONCE!!! BEYONCE!! BEYONCE!! ... ohh did I mention beyonce??
Pretty Betty
Promotional Operations for Pfizer
Why do you love being a Pynkberri ? :Because we are not your catty average females and we’re loyal! :-D
What's your long term goal? :To publish a poetry book
Who's your girl crush? :Kerri Washington
What’s your worst bad habit? :Having a short attention span :-/
Pretty Blonde
Middle school Teacher
Why do you love being a Pynkberri ? :ilove being a pynkberri cus iam being with my besties jus being me
How would you describe your style (3 words max)? :Vintage/Homeless
What's worst your burps or your farts? :My farts smell like heaven O:-)
What's your long term goal? :To be Dr. Clay.. A college professor.
Pretty Braty
What's your long term goal? :To open a high-end shoe boutique and bookstore
Why do you love being a Pynkberri ? :Because we are all goal-oriented, have our own sense of style, have our own opinions and still get along. We are not immature, and we know what we want out of life! Definitely not fake or phony!
How would you describe your style (3 words max)? :Classy and Chic
Craps for 7 days straight or child birth? :Craps for 7 days...ill be losing my gut!
High School Teacher
What’s your worst bad habit? :Super forgetful/sucky short term memory
What your long term goal? :To become a high school principal
Why do you love being a Pynkberri ? :love being around strong and positive young women who are goal oriented, flyy and flashy.
Who's your girl crush? :Nicki Minaj :-x
Pick one: a guy’s hairy chest or uni-brow? :Hairy chest
Pretty Bella
Graduate Photography Student
What's your long term goal? :To be a renowned photographer. And happy. :-D
Who's your girl crush? :RIHANNA!
Craps for 7 days straight or child birth? :Hmm childbirth.
Hot pYnK or LIme Green? :Lime green baby!
A dude older than you or younger? :Either will do if we have chemistry. ;-)
Marketing Degree Graduate & Make-up Artist
What's your long term goal? :To be beautiful n dirty richhh ;;). :* Realistically-7 sources of income by 25, live off residuals n doing what I love surrounded by who I love(including my pYnKz of course)
What's worst your burps or your farts?
:I have a 400lbs man living inside me with bbq sauce stains on his tank top who loudly burps multiple times a day.
Who's your girl crush? :Janelle Monae- underrated talent plus her bouffant gives me a woody
Craps for 7 days straight or child birth?
:If I crapped for 7 days straight my 110lbs ass would be dead! So I guess a wittle baby waybe
Hot pYnK or LIme Green?
:Hot pYnK on my lips, Lime Green in my wallet :*
Pretty Barbie
Pre-School Teacher
What’s your worst bad habit? :Snackaholic....I would eat sweets for breakfast/lunch/dinner
fat girl at heart
Pick one: a guy’s hairy chest or uni-brow? :Undercover hairy rangatang on my man's face! Ewl Craps for 7 days straight or child birth? :Child birth..pain doesn't last forever! I hate EVE d.k.a cramps
Hot pYnK or LIme Green? :Lime green is so cute on my almondie skin tone ;-) A dude older than you or younger? :Older...teach me some things honey
Pretty Brilliant
What's your Worst bad habit?
:My worst habit is procrastination! I know, i know, it gets the best of us all.
Whats's worst your burps or your farts?
:My farts smell like daisies ;-)
Who's your girl crush?
Pick one: a guy's hairy chest or unibrow?
:Hairy chest are the new "situation." Especially on cold winter nights..hehe